Sunday, March 18, 2012

First blog...ever

I decided today while I was over at my in-laws, that I wanted to start a food blog.

Here goes nothing.....

This is my husband and I at one of our three receptions we had last summer for our wedding.  

I've found in my first year of marriage that maybe I should fit into the "Susie Homemaker" role. I'm only kind of good at this. I'm good at the cooking/baking part of the homemaker wife; the cleaning portion, not so much. 

With this, I came upon the website Pinterest
Pinterest was introduced to me by a dear friend, who suggested I sign up for it. She warned me of the addictive state it may put me in and she was right.

I have found myself pinning random things that I will probably never use or need, but desire and think about all the time. In perusing Pinterest I found so many recipes that I've made and even more that I am going to make.

My ultimate dream (which would never happen) would be for me to quit my full-time teaching job and become a full-time food blogger. How great would that be? I feel like I could be pretty darn good at it and could fulfill this new found idea of mine. 

It's a pipe-dream that would never happen, but a girl can dream. 

I will be posting as I bake/cook. I have quite a few things to post on here as I have been quite busy being a little baker in my first year of marriage. I'd say my husband is quite happy with my new found love for baking and cooking (especially the baking).

Hopefully this isn't one of those things I say I'm going to start, and post once and never post again. Maybe I will entertain a few of you folks out there with my food blog, that no other blog has ever done for you. Blowing your mind, will be my ultimate goal! 

I think I might be setting my hopes a little high, but we will see...

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