Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Gooey What??

When I first moved to St. Louis, about 10 years ago, there were things here that I had never heard of back in Wisconsin.

Things like float trips, Ted Drewes, other things that I can't seem to think of currently, and Gooey Butter Cookies.
Side note: My first year of college at Saint Louis University, I learned that people in Wisconsin have so many sayings that no one in the U.S. uses or even knows about. 

First, a "bubbler." To most Wisconsinites, a bubbler is a drinking fountain; apparently to everyone else on the planet a bubbler has something to do with a bong...who knew? 

Second, a "TYME Machine." No, this is not something that resembles what Michael J. Fox drove in Back to the Future, it's an ATM. Apparently, a long time ago in Wisconsin people didn't have debit cards that linked directly to their bank accounts, instead they had a separate account that was called the TYME account; it stands for Take Your Money Everywhere. Pretty fancy acronym. 

Third (but there are so many more), Kopp's burgers. This burger place has the largest burgers and quite possibly the best custard, I'd venture to say better than Ted Drewes. I would compare the size of this burger to my head, although a tiny bit smaller (if you know me, I have a ginormous head). The burger has a perfect amount of meat, cheese, and bun....and you can't forget the fries and strawberry shake. Oh man, it's so good that every time I make it home I try to stop by. 

Initially, I did think it sounded kind of funny, Gooey Butter Cookies.  Sounds like a lot of butter plopped onto a cookie.  I didn't know what I was missing until I tried one, and was sold. Although they are not the healthiest option, but really, what cookie is...most people can eat tons of them, including me, because they are tiny and easy to pop in your mouth.

There are many variations on this cookie, Red Velvet or Chocolate, but I'm an original kind of gal and stick to what is the best.

I think most people in St. Louis eat the Gooey Butter Cake, but I have to say I'm rather biased towards the cookies. A bake shop here called Gooey Louie, has tried to top the recipes that I have had at my in-laws or other friends in St. Louis and that place doesn't even come close to the deliciousness that I have experienced with these other recipes.

This is one of the easiest recipes with the best results. Every time I make these they turn out and definitely are a hit, but they don't match up to the people who have been making them for years.

Tuesday was the second to last day of school and as a reward for doing so well on the state testing, the kids  (only two classes, not everyone can be a winner here!) received a movie day and a treat. I needed something easy to whip up because I truly did not want to be baking all night.....Gooey Butter Cookies it was.

You need very few ingredients for these cookies, and they only take about 10 minutes to bake.


1 box yellow cake mix
1 cup butter
8 oz. package of cream cheese
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1 egg

Mix all the ingredients  together and chill for at least an hour.

Once chilled, roll the dough into small to medium balls (depending on the size of cookie you want) and then roll in powdered sugar.
Place onto a baking sheet. Bake at 375 for 10 want the bottoms to be golden brown with the top still yellow.

Literally, the easiest recipe with the best response.
All my kids were excited that they not only got one, but two Gooey Butter Cookies, high school kids are easily pleased.

Movie time in Mrs. Michael's class was where everyone wanted to be.

Happy Summer.....vacation has officially begun.

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